วันจันทร์ที่ 24 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2560

Problem and Solution

Today we learn about Problem and Solution. The teacher gave us the handout. After that, we read the Problem and Solution and she explained. She tell about problem marker and solution marker and assigned us to do skill practice by circle the Problem Markers and highlight the Solution Markers. Then write either Problem or Solution in the margin next to the relevant information. After we finished the exercise, teacher gave us the corrective feedback and she gave us homework. Next, teacher give us to read the text about machine gun. Then write the title, and the sentence explaining the main idea of the text.

I think this lesson is easy for me.

วันจันทร์ที่ 10 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2560


Today, we learned a new topic- Exemplification. This week I felt very hot because the air conditioner didn’t work. Teacher give handout to us, and explain that what is Exemplification: Exemplification writing uses specific, vivid example for the purpose of adding more information to explain, persuade, define, or illustrate a general idea. Next, teacher give us to read the text about College Student’s Pressures, after we read already she let us to do exercise, the teacher tell us to highlight the Exemplification marker, then she give us the corrective feedback. When I read the text I highlight the discourse marker, it helps us to understand the text easily. And we learned text 2 and text 3. Then teacher gave us a corrective feedback and asked us to do the last exercise. It was about complete the sentence by using the following word.

I think this lesson is not difficult, but it's boring, because the text so long.

วันพุธที่ 5 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2560

Definition & Classification

On Monday, we learned a new topic about definition and classification. Teacher tell about the meaning of definition & classification and explain definition & classification marker. She told us about the score of midterm test, I was so surprised that I passed the exam. After that teacher gave us a sheet and started to learn. But today the air-conditioner is broken. It's so hot. Teacher give us try to do skill practice 1 and practice 2, she give us the corrective feedback and explain each item. The exercise was about circle the definition marker and underline the classification maker.

The next exercise was about read the text and draw a diagram.We read passage, find classification marker, and draw a diagram. The text was about Anthropology, we read the text to know the meaning of it. We read the text to know the meaning of it. And teacher give us to read the last text and do exercise.

I think this lesson was easy for me because the text was easy and easily to understand.